The history of PANDHY'S™

CosMed Kft. was established in 2004 as a classic family business for the production and distribution of self-developed, patented, professional sugar depilation products. PANDHY’S ™ thoroughly stirred the stagnant water of both domestic and international salon depilation with its professional hair removal sugar products and the related depilation process when it came on the scene in 2004. It offered a material and a process that was sharply opposed to current trends and habits, innovative in all respects, and astonishing the profession, which, unlike the resins and waxing that prevailed at the time, opened a whole new dimension in depilation.


We believe that the PANDHYS™ brand has style. The style is to know who we are and where we are going. The essence of our style is creativity, experimentation, constant movement and growth. We consciously take risks, we go against conventions. We believe that creating something special and achieving success is only possible by leaving the usual direction. In this way, PANDHYS ™ can be both formally modern, pioneering style and at the same time classic, based on tradition.

It is no different in our salon services because just like in the development of our products, we deviate from the path and guide our guests to a world we have dreamed of.

The founder and her vision

The PANDHY’S ™ brand was created by Gertrud Borbíró. She created the depilatory sugar products that made the brand famous, she is the holder of the patents, she developed the depilatory techniques related to the materials as well as the training method and she trained the first instructors of the process worldwide. She is also the inventor of the PANDHY’S ™ product, and most of them were born from her development.